Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Mess IS All Your Fault!!!

The blame game is easy, because the one pointing the finger is always somehow innocent. I recently heard the "tax-and-spend" mantra of Republicans towards Democrats. This argument, at its most preposterous would seem to suggest that Republicans do not tax, nor spend. Obviously that's not true. The clearest argument is that Democrats "tax-and-spend" above and beyond a Republican "tax-and-spend" approach.

Oddly, that is hard to suggest also. As it turns out, taxes rise for lots of reasons. Sometimes the government needs more money to fuel more programs. Sometimes it's in response to economic loss. Such occasions do not ALWAYS exist for Democrats and NEVER exist for Republicans.

The other unfortunate reality is that nay administrations tax hikes/cuts are relatively insignificant per paycheck. Once the numbers rolled out about President Obama's tax cuts for the middle class, it seemed to yield about $20 or so dollars extra per check. Not a huge giveback by any means. But what if there were an equivalent tax hike... do the math: roughly $20 tax hike across say 10 million Americans. That is indeed a lot of money. Per check!

Tax cuts are tough because look at how much money the federal government risks loosing. Thus, folks that make more help the government recoup this losses. And the funny thing is... in no modern presidential era, this basic concept has never changed. Everyone supports "tax-and-spend". And it is even supported to a very similar degree. The bad news is that finger pointing distracts us from logic.

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